My Favorite Books

 -Every published book by LaVyrle Spencer is in my personal library.  She was my favorite author for years.  I read an except from her book Vows in a copy of Good Housekeeping magazine at my Grandma's house when I was in Junior High.  I was immediately addicted because my genre of choice has always been romance, and LaVyrle Spencer delivered on all the things I loved reading about. 

-Nicholas Sparks is an author I didn't discover until I was around 30 years old.  I read The Notebook first, and the sequel, The Wedding.  From there I read many more Nicholas Sparks books.  However, since he has the tendency to kill off one of the main characters at the end, I admit, I look at the last page and if he hero or heroin of the story die at the end, I will not read the book.  

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